
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Mother and Children Cautious! Save Children From The Harmful Effects of Cold

Ubqari Magazine - October 2015

If child’s nose is blocked in the winter season, then give steam two to three times with lukewarm water. This will prevent their nose from being blocked and they will sleep easily/calmly. In the case of cough, mix honey in a Luke warm water and then give it to them.

Children are the blessings of ALLAH. The Holy Prophet صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم titled them as "flowers of Jannah". Like flower is soft and sensitive and has to be held with a lot of care, same it is the care of child’s health is the mother's responsibility. Every mother wants to see her child healthy to the highest possible level. Especially during winters, her worriment is worth watching. Although winter season is a lot of fun but not for mothers of little kids. Especially, worriment for newborn babies is essential. It is said that first winters and first summers of newborns are very tough that’s why all mothers are always trying to protect their children from the harmful effects of cold. Now a day’s winter is on its peak and chronic diseases like cold, flu and fever are frequently being diagnosed in children

Cold in Children:

This is very dangerous. Due to this, chances of fever, cough and chest infections especially pneumonia are increased in children and pneumonia is a chronic disease. Now a day, along with polio drops, pneumonia vaccines are also injected but still, care is needed. What are the reasons of cold? The main/important reason is children being wet most of the time. Another reason is not wearing proper clothes for the cold. For example if the clothes are less warm, then chances of cold increase. For its prevention, it is important to cover the children completely in warm clothes especially in extreme conditions. Head, neck, chest and feet are to be covered in warm clothes. Mothers usually think that on wearing sweaters and pajamas, the children are warm, but that is not true. If the child is in lap, he has to be covered completely in a warm blanket or a shawl before leaving the room. Specifically, it is much colder at night so one has to be more careful. Do not lay your child near an open window or a door from where the air can easily flow/come inside. This can cause the child to be cold.

Bathing Children:

Children should be carefully bathed during winters. The room or wash room where the child is to be bathed should be warmed first by putting a heater or chimneni in the room. Heat the water to lukewarm and check its warmth by pouring a small amount of it on your hand or arm. After bathing, put the clothes on baby in the same warm room. Cover the baby completely and then bring him/her out of the room. Make your children sit in the sun. This has a good effect on their growth and vitamin D is also gained. Mother's milk is the basic right of a child and is very healthy for them. Do not deprive your child of this basic right. In the winter season, the children feeding on mothers' milk and the mothers they live are at ease.

Cold, Flu and Fever:

If the child gets sick because of carelessness, don’t be worried. A mother has to be very confident and has to give her full attention to her child. If his nose is blocked in the winter season, give him steam two to three times with lukewarm water. This will prevent his nose from being blocked and he will sleep easily/calmly. In the case of cough, mix honey in a little warm water and give it to him. If rapid breathing occurs in the child or if ribs move very fast or if he is facing difficulty in breathing, then take him to the doctor immediately because these are the signs of pneumonia.

Infants can Also Distinguish Between Right and Wrong!

It is said that the ability to distinguish between good and evil distinguishes humans from animals and the latest research tells us that young infants are rich in the nature endowed abilities. This research also proved that the infants, who are able to distinguish between right and wrong, contain the enthusiasm to share their belongings with others. The scientists working on this research have said that the breastfeeding children on whom this research was done clearly understood the difference between equal and unequal distribution of food which showed that they were aware of fairness since the very beginning of their life. It was also observed that the more a child was fair minded, the more easily he let others use his things like his toys etc. A psychology professor 'Professor Simrwoel' said that the results that we got from this research show that fairness and altruism occur in children at a very early stage while we are still thinking about them. We saw that the children who were more sensitive about the fair distribution, they showed happiness on sharing their toys with others. A report shows that two video films were showed to 15 months old babies. The first video showed a bowl of delicious crispy biscuits being distributed amongst two people. At first the biscuits were distributed equally among the two persons but the next time one person received a little less amount than the other one. The second video showed the same distribution but with a jug of milk. The time, at which these two videos were being shown to the children, the scientists present there were observing that for how long did every child see the video clearly. Its reason was that when infants get shocked they stare at the thing which shocked them. The scientists observed that when one person was getting fewer amounts of biscuits or milk the children spent more time in staring or observing them. Doctor Samrwoel said that the children were hoping the both the persons get equal amount of food but when one person received more biscuits or milk, their expressions were worth watching. In the medical reviews before this it was observed that two year olds tend to help their age fellows which actually is a sign of altruism whereas, six to seven year olds showed the quality of fairness. Doctor Samrwoel said that when infants see the behavior of people with one another, this observation builds fairness of unfair qualities in them. In the second part of the modern research scientists observed whether the children were ready to share their toys with a stranger or not. They found out that the children who were more shocked by the unequal distribution of food were more likely to share their toys with others.(Asia Rashid)

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