
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Inspiring Generosity

Ubqari Magazine - November 2018

(Preacher of Islam Hazrat Maulana Muhammad Kaleem Siddiqui, Phalat)

Hazrat Maulana is the great preacher of Islam as has entered around five hundred thousand people into Islam. He is writer of a precious book “Naseem e Hidayat Key Jhonkey”

 “O brother, can you please give me some honey, I have fallen ill with a disease can be healed through honey only”.

“I am sorry, but I don’t have honey at the moment but you can get it if you can travel a bit. A caravan of a wealthy merchant is due to arrive from Syria. This merchant is very generous and I hope he would help you.”

The guy thanked him and moved to come out of city to see the merchant. Eventually he saw a caravan is heading towards the city. He got up and asked the people about the in charge of caravan. People guided him to that beautiful guy.

He met him and requested to help him with honey to cure his disease. The merchant asked servant to go to the camel which carries two large earthen pot of honey and give one earthen pot to this guy. Servant replied that weight on camel will be imbalanced if he removes on earthen pot. The merchant while listened to this ordered the servant to give both earthen pot to that guy. The servant was still reluctant as he asked his lord that how that guy would have lift such heavy earthen pots? The merchant then directed him to give away the camel as well. While listening this the servant ran and handed over the camel along with both earthen pots. The surprised needy guy thanked to that kind merchant and walked away with his camel while praying for that generous merchant. He was very much inspired with generosity of that merchant who did rewarded him heavy earthen pots full of honey along with a camel to carry this load however he asked for a small volume of honey.

On other hand, when servant appeared to his lord then merchant asked the servant that why didn’t he go when he asked him to give one earthen pot, then second earthen pot but went very quickly when he asked to give him a camel as well. The servant replied that when I stated that giving one earthen pot will imbalance the load on camel, then you asked me to give him both earthen pots, and when I submitted that guy might not be able to carry such a heavy pots then you directed me to give away him camel as well, so I was feared as if I argued anymore then you might order me to go with him. Therefore, I run and gave him camel with both earthen pots.

The merchant told him, had he gone with that guy he would be free from merchant and it was a nice deal for him The servant replied that he did not want freedom as merchant could find several servants like him but he could not find a lord like that merchant. Therefore, he would prefer being slave to that merchant instead of being freed. Do you know who that merchant was? He was Hazrat Usman Ghani رضی اللہ تعالیٰ عنہہ.

There was a time when believers were true followers of Quran while maintaining their moral, habits and daily life in accordance with the Sunnah of Holy Prophet ﷺ. They were known for their wellbeing with not only humans but also animals and other creatures. They were on firm belief that the servants of Holy Prophet ﷺ are kind for all mankind. These are those great people for whom are rewarded by Allah Almighty by himself in these words فان اٰمنوا بمثل ما اٰمنتم به فقد اهتدوا  so if these people believe like you have believed then you are successful. They had firm belief on what Allah Almighty and Holy Prophet ﷺ had said than what they saw through their own eyes. Therefore, they would consider this worldly life unimportant and heavenly life as real and their home to live. The would consider their real asset what they had spent in the name of Allah Almighty or which they had spent in a charity to feed the needy people اللھم لا وعیش الا عیش الخرۃ. They would consider that what they spentوکان اللہ شاکرا علیما  for Allah Almighty was actually had deposited to their account with Him.  ان اللہ لا یضیع اجر المحسینینPeople would prefer being slave to these believers thousands time on freedom but sometime on kingdoms. But contrary do faith on Nabi Kareem ﷺ and  the claimers of ummati of him we are Muslim we are selfish for the world and forget the hereafter life and lack of faith  , we are doing sins, rude to neighbors, due to wrongly and bad environments we don’t want to live to their neighbors. Would we think!

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