
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Effective treatment of physical Diseases

Ubqari Magazine - March 2016

Physical Advice

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Enlarged belly: My issue is that after delivery my abdomen has become enlarged, I took medicines but it was not treated, kindly suggest any prescription to normalize the enlarged belly. (Bareera, Nowshero feroz)

Advice: walk in speed in morning and evening for one hour and also do brisk walk during this, take Jawarish Kamooni Kabir 10 grams after food at day and night.

Fast Heart Beat: I am 65 years of age, my health is good and I am retired from army, morning and evening walk is part of my life but now for few days I am suffering from fast heart beat and I become nervous due to this. I went for medical checkup but there was no issue diagnosed. Doctors said I am normal, they are impressed by my life routine and say that I cannot suffer from heart disease but I feel that it is now. They are unable to understand me and their machines also do not diagnose anything so I am writing to you. (Nakhuda, Karachi)

Advice: Take an apple of blood red color and fresh like blood color and search it on any good super store and I hope you will get it. Take this fresh apple, wash it with clean water and scramble it along with its peels and squeeze it in a fabric and take out its juice, You can also take out its juice through juicer machine. Continue this practice for a month daily, InshAllah, it will benefit.

Shivering of Hands: I am around 44 years of age, whenever I hold anything than my hands shiver and I do writing with difficulty. I hold cup of tea in my both hands as I cannot hold it in my one hand due to weakness. I am suffering from this issue for 20 years. I feel less hunger, (Abrar Ahmed, Multan)

Advice: Take Majoon Rah al Mominees 6 grams in morning and evening. Write after 3 weaks.

Worms in Nose: Allah Almighty has given treatment of every disease. Use the following things, Camphor, Kameela, Elwazard 3, 3 mashas, juice of apricot leaves or Sharifa leaves juice , I and a half tolas. Take all of these and mix them in 1 and a half tolas of Turpentine oil and put 4 drops in nose in morning and evening and turn the face down. InshAllah, the worms from nose will go away in 2 days.

My Infected Throat:When I perform prayer guiding others than my voice becomes down, suggest me any constant solution. (J, R)

Advice: take the following Gond and mix them and make tablets of chickpea size and suck 3,3 tablets in morning and evening. Maghaz Almonds, Pinus gerardiana, (Chilghoza), 10, 10 grams, Anison, Sonf, Mulathi Kast, GOnd Keekar 5, 5 grams, Misri 5 tolas (60 grams). The tablets of these not only open the throat but also make the voice melodious. It is very beneficial for Qaris and Naat Khawans.

Motions Issue: I have old disease of motions; suggest any easy remedy for stopping them. (Kashif, Lahore)

Answer: Take yogurt Lassi and make an iron peace  hot and put it in Lassi 3 times to make it cool, then give the yogurt and Lassi to the patient, taking it 3 times a day will stop motions in 3 days.

Spermatohorea with Urine: I am 26 years of age and I am suffering from spermatohorea with urine. I went for treatment but nothing benefited me, suggest me any effected remedy. (Zaman, Multan)

Answer: It is very common disease and often the youngsters are suffering from it. Many remedies and prescriptions are used for it but nothing is much effective, in my view, the treatment is expensive but it is very effective. Jawarish Zarooni 100 grams, Jawarish jalinoos 100 grams, Majoon Falasfa 100 grams, Kushta Zamurd 5 grams, Kushta Baiza Murgh 5 grams, mix all of the ingredients and use half spoon in morning and evening on empty stomach for one month. With the blessings of Allah Almighty, you will get good health and relief.

Leukodarma (Bars) Marks:

I have marks of Leukodarma on my body which is increasing day by day. (Zoya Khan)

Answer: for Leukodarma and other skin diseases, a professor suggested me a remedy and he has experienced it on many patients but so far I never tested it on any patient, take chakso and babchi 10, 10 tolas of equal weight and grind them and take 1 tea spoon after food in morning and evening for 3 months, Insha’Allah, it will benefit.

Complain of Uric Acid:

I have complaint of Uric Acid, there is pain my feet, I have been for medical treatments. (Bilal Ahmed, Abbotabad)

Advice: Bilal Sahab, You take only 2 things, one is Garlic 20 tolas and other is Musabbar 10 tolas, mix these 2 ingredients and make tables of chickpea size and take 2 tablets with warm milk while sleeping at night, one month of its usage is enough.

Treatment of Tumours:

I have 5 to 6 tumours in my body at different places, some were melted but then more were formed and people make me afraid saying that these are cancer tumours, kindly tell any possible treatment. (J, Sh)

Advice: Take Dhamansa, Majaith, Salt and Turmeric of equal weight and print them and take after food in morning and evening 1, 1 gram with milk. If you are sure of cancer than also add Kahrsak and Kandiari Beej Dur Karda of equal weight and take 1 and half gram of this medicine.

Joints Pain:

I am suffering from Arthritis and there is much pain in joints, suggest me any solution which could give me relief.

Advice: Take wax and Nashadar of equal weight and make tablets of chickpea size and take 1, 1 tablet after food in morning and evening for 3 weeks. While sleeping at night take Aak leave and apply mustard oil on them and bandage the leg joints with them and open in morning.

Can Height be increased?

Readers! I always value your experiences and practices, if you have any remedy or tips please do write to us. This is your charity and goodwill for us, editor is waiting for you. You always respect my application, if you have your own experience or you have listen from reliable sources then please write to us. 

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