
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

An extract from the weekly sermon...reward of conversation with Allah

Ubqari Magazine - December 2015

Bring mute and dumb people in the sermon.

Reward of conversation with Allah:

I received a letter from a sincere friend that he was appointed as a chairman of the committee of rehabilitation following the massive earthquake in Pakistan in 2005. The committee would monitor and issue the cheques to the deserving families and compensated their death claims.  The amount fixed for the initial repairs was decided to be 25,000 per house and a 100,000 per person for the death claims. One day I lost a cheque of 100,000. I was worried as it could lead to a fake claim. The whole system was likely to be affected due to that loss as anyone who could find it would be able to cash it. I was thinking to write to deputy commissioner to cancel the cheque so that no one may attempt to cash it. While in distress, I searched through all the pocket of my jacket where I found it folded it in the inner pocket although I had checked it so many times before. Probably someone had dropped it in. May be anyone from the Allah’s slaves would have taken it from the thief’s pocket and dropped it into mine. Indeed, the whole creation belongs to Him and he can do anything and everything and it changed all my thoughts.

Another incident of Divine Help:

After the distribution of the first installment, I went to the deputy commissioner’s office to bring more cheques and I received about 2.5 million cash and 1.5 million of cheques and put them in my bag and dropped them at my back on the bike so that I could cash the cheques from the bank.  When I reached my destination, I found that the bag was no more there with all 4 million had been lost.

Search for Rs. 4 million bag:

I followed my way back to the DC office and stopped at places to ask the passer bys if they had found the bag but no one replied in positive.

Request of a broken heart to the Lord:

I felt for moment that I was dreaming as the loss of such a huge sum had blown out my senses. I was quite distressed and after I had exhausted after the thorough search, I went aloof and started conversation with Allah: O Allah! if I had done any good in my life that You liked it, then please have Mercy on me as I am helpless and I do not have enough to compensate even if I sell all my belongings and it is also disgraceful that I lost the money for helpless and distressed families and no one would believe me when I would tell them that I had lost the bag on my way to the office.  Only you are my Lord and only you can have a Mercy on me. (Dear readers! We must also learn to speak to Allah)

The return of the bag:

I had hardly finished my prayer that I thought of following the same way on my bike where I had already searched. Then I found a group of boys passing by there. I asked them if they had seen the bag of that colour. They replied positively and told us that a young lad had taken the bag to a group of gypsies living there half an hour ago. I went to the gypsies on his indication and I began to say in loud voice that the bag which a young boy had taken actually belongs to me. So please return me my bag. There was a woman inside and I asked her to return the bag.

The money was safe:

After 30 seconds, the woman came out with the same bag which was stunningly unopened and it had everything which I had kept in it. I had my eyes full of tears upon seeing the bag. SubhanAllah, a prayer wished with sincere heart and living on legitimate earnings never goes wasted. I found my lost bag and I had already enquired the boy who brought the bag to his home before the prayer but at that time he had replied in negative.

A servant of Maulana Zahoor Ahmed Baghvi (رحمتہ اللہ علیہ)

Maualana Zahoor Ahmed Baghvi (رحمتہ اللہ علیہ) was a very great scholar of his time. He had a servant named Munir Ahmed. He had a very jolly nature and was quite witted person. He would even amaze others by his wonderful talk. Once he said to Maulana Zahoor that he knew so many wealthy people of Calcutta and Bombay and if he can ask any of them to arrange for going Hajj and see the Blessed mosque of the Prophet ﷺ and the House of Allah. Maulana Zahoor ahmed replied that he would do that only if he promised not to cut jokes. He was so serious that he demanded him to sign a promissory paper and he left his thumb impression there as he was illiterate. Continued.............

Those who benefitted from the sermon

Respected Hazrat Hakeem Sahib Assalam-o-Alaikam! I listen to your sermons with full attention and I am very fond of it. I had read a Hadith in Zaad-ul-Talibeen that some words have an effect like magic. And I think this Hadith fits your sermon. I love the way you talk and your words are so effective that they appeal to the heart instantly. I also practice the recitations that you indicate in your sermon and I have got great benefits from them. I recite the Masnoon prayers from morning till evening and they have eliminated my numerous worries, difficulties and domestic confusions. My husband’s business affairs are much better now.

I have not seen you but due to your speeches I admire you so much that I have seen you forty-five times in my dreams even I have not seen you for real.

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