
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.


Ubqari Magazine - October 2015

This page is dedicated to ladies’ every day family and personal issues. Ladies may submit their routine observations and experiences. Furthermore write clearly and only on one side of the page, no matter even if it is out of order.


Deprived of children:

 I have been married for 10 years. I have undergone medical checkup and treatment. Despite all normal reports, we are deprived of children so far. You are requested to give us advise in this regard. We will be grateful. (R, Jehlum)


Reply: Lady, when Almighty wants to bless, reasons are generated by themselves. Do not get worried. Offer prayers regularly and at night after reciting Durood Shareef pray to Allah for his blessings. You have not mentioned your name.


Take almonds, coconut and pistachio and chop them. Heat a little semolina and add into it all of these items with some sugar and a handful of black sesame seeds. Make Ladoos (small sweet balls) of this mixture and preserve them. Give one Laddoo each to your husband to eat twice a day. Winter is arriving. Take a handful of pine nuts, deseed them and give them to your husband. Eat White Maash (Vetch pulse) 2-3 times a week. You can also cook it with meat. Halwa (a local desert) can also be made by Maash. Soak it overnight in water then grind it in the morning and cook in ghee and sugar. Nuts can also be added in the Halwa. There are numerous medicines in medical science. Visit a Hakeem and get some medicines. Your problem will be resolved.

Banyan is a famous tree. It develops long hanging prop roots. Ask a gardener to get some prop roots of banyan for you. Clean it and then let it dry in shade. Take equal amount of sugar and grind both of these ingredients. In the morning both you and your husband should take 15-20 grams of this powder with milk. Continue this treatment for 3-4 weeks.


Taste of frozen food:  I am a working woman. On Sundays, I cook 5-6 type of food and freeze them so that we can eat them throughout the week. Even after all such efforts, when we husband and wife warm the food in the evening, it does not have taste. What is the reason for this? Please advise me. I go to the factory at 8 in the morning and return back home in the afternoon. I cannot cook the food upon return as I am very tired. Early morning I have to iron the clothes and prepare breakfast. I do not have time. How does frozen food stay good? Please do tell me.                                                                                             (Naushina Aqeel, Karachi)


Reply: If frozen foods are not used with care, 90% of their taste gets bad. After preparing different foods, put them in dishes and let them completely cool down. Then cover the dishes and put them in freezer. When you return back home in the afternoon, immediately take out the required food and let it defrost. After 1 to 1½ hour, boil water in a pot. Put a strainer over the boiling water and place the dish over it. The food will get soft with the steam. Then put the food in a utensil and warm it over low flame. The taste will remain intact. If you return at 5 in the afternoon, your food can be ready by 7:30. You can freeze meat in semi cooked condition. Later you can make curry from some of it after adding some vegetables. Likewise you can cook minced meat. Cut the vegetables and put them in refrigerator. You can cook them later as a fresh dish. Boil chickpeas and freeze them. You can later take some of them to make curry with chicken. In today’s world, cooking food is no problem.


Burn mark on face:    Few days back I was making Paratha (a local greasy bread) in the kitchen when drops of hot ghee splashed and burnt my face. I disconcertedly touched my face and the skin peeled off from a few spots and the red dermis appeared. After treatment, the pain was cured but the face is left with numerous marks. Separate colours are prominently visible on the skin. If there is any solution, please let me know. (R.S)


Reply: If you had applied pulp of aloe vera immediately, you had not suffered with so much pain and neither the burn marks had become permanent. When a branch of aloe Vera is pluck and its pulp is applied on burn, it gives very quick relief. You can still apply aloe Vera pulp in the night. The marks will fade. Send me a reply envelope with your address; I will post you the name of the medicine. By its eating and application the burn marks will finish. If burn marks are old, they are difficult to be finished.


How will Tissue scarf be repaired:    I got married this month. I have a very beautiful dress with a tissue scarf which got torn after being stuck in car’s door. How can it be repaired? (S.A)


Reply: Please develop a habit of taking care of your scarf while closing door of a car. Now you buy half a yard of black tissue. Tell the tailor to make two pieces of the half yard cloth and stitch it with the scarf with a matching lace. This way your scarf can be repaired. Thin lace can also be stitched on all four sides of the scarf.


For Hifz (memorizing) Quran: My son is doing Hifz of Quran. He has completed two chapters but now he is not taking any interest. I am very worried. The other children go to school but they do not memorize their lessons. Their teachers’ complaint a lot. Please suggest some tip or medicine by which my children become intelligent. (Amna, Chakwal)


Reply: My Murshid رحمت اللہ علیہ used to say that before memorizing a lesson, dull minded children should recite Surah e Jumma once. It will make a lot of difference. There was a Madrasah near our home where a young girl memorized 6-7 chapters and then her pace reduced. I went to her home and found that her other brothers and sisters are studying in good English medium schools and this child is learning Quran. All the time she was scolded at home for properly putting on scarf on her head and memorizing Quran. While the other children used to play. I advised her mother for not dealing the child with rudeness. She should also be given time to play. But she did not listen to me. She got the girl admitted in a Madrasah where she had to stay day and night. After two months the girl got very sick. The Madrasah people also got her name struck off. I still feel sorry. The girl, who had memorized 10-12 chapters, forgot them.

Pay special attention to your child. Soak seven almonds overnight. Peel them in the morning and give them with milk to your son. Every second or third day give your child rice and curd. Ladyfinger and zucchini are also beneficial. Most important of all, counsel your child with affection and tell him about the great significance of the Holy Quran. At time personally listen to his lessons and tell his Qari (teacher) to teach him with fondness and not to be harsh with him. Insha Allah the child will complete Hifz.

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