
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

What type of Faiz I Found from "The Inborn Friend of Jinns" - Part 2

Ubqari Magazine - July 2015

Killed the snakes

Respected Hazrat Hakeem Sahib, Asalam Alaikum! I visited a book stall May last year. Along other books, digests and mgazines, I saw monthly Ubqari lying there. Price was reasonable so I bought it. I read its every page, every line and every word. I found it a beacon of light for the strayed and a shelter for the stricken. I found the wazaif, which could be recited all day long while doing other chores, the best way to earn virtues. It carries remarkable and economical tonics and remedies for physical health. Ubqari is great. It has prevailed.

Let me write an incident I came across with. I started feeling pain in lower abdomen, where lies kidney, bladder and symptoms of appendicitis. Sometimes pain in lower abdomen would increase, decrease and sometimes it would vanish and sometimes it would rise again. I consulted seven doctors. I used homeopathic, allopathic and home remedies but all in vain. I underwent appendicitis test twice just to confirm if I was suffering from appendicitis but the results showed that I was all okay. One doctor apprehended that my kidney was not functioning well. I took medicine but to no avail. Another doctor beat about the bush and prescribed some injections diagnosing that my leg was weak. Whereas I had judged it a kind of black magic.

I read the spiritual practice ofیَاقَہَّارُ  in Jinnat Ka Paidaishi Dost section in Ubqari magazine. I started reciting this for relief. I would sleep reciting یَاقَہَّارُ and to my surprise I would find myself reciting یَاقَہَّارُ whenever I would get up at night. It had been only five days reciting me یَاقَہَّارُ when one night I saw three or four giant snakes in dream. They assaulted me. I killed each of them. One of them was a serpent. Hazrat Hakeem Sahib, as soon as the snakes got killed the pain started relieving and it vanished finally. It is sixth day today and I am much relaxed. Recitation of this Holy name of Almighty Allah is continued.

یَاقَہَّارُ  burns the black dog

Respected Hazrat Hakeem Sahib, Asalam Alaikum! May you live long! May we always be under the kind patronage of yours! Respected Hazrat Hakeem Sahib! I explain the wazaif you tell in your lectures to people throgh mobile phone messaging. By the virtue of your prayers I have been blessed the empathy towards mankind. My father recites surah Kausar 129 times and blows on his purse at least once a day. By the virtue of this spiritual practice Allah is feeding us. I avidly read Jinnat Ka Paidaishi Dost in Ubqari magazine.

Hazrat Sahib, I sleep alone in verandah. One night, while I was asleep, I turned to my right side. There is kitchen in this direction. Door of the kitchen was partly open. I was neither awake nor asleep. I heard a voice coming from that partly opened door of kitchen. “Shoaib! Shoaib! Come here!” I don’t remember exactly the words but I heard my brother forbidding me to heed to that voice. Perhaps that was the voice of any well wisher who was forbidding me in my brother’s voice. “Don’t listen her. Don’t get down of your cot.” My brother kept on forbidding me as long as voice of that lady came. After this incident all of us started reciting یَاقَہَّارُ We also wore talisman of یَاقَہَّارُ in our necks. My brother recited this Holy name of Almighty Allah the most. One day he was sleeping on roof. He saw a black dog in dream. He got frightened to see that dog. Then a voice guided him to hold the talisman of یَاقَہَّارُ and recite یَاقَہَّارُ for seven times. The brother had just recited for five times when the dog got burnt. He was holding the talisman when he woke up. Peace has prevailed in our house after that. (Shoaib)

Surah Ikhlas cures weakness

Respected Hazrat Hakeem Sahib! Some body introduced me you and Ubqari magazine three years back. Before the introduction I had twice fallen to cardiac arrest. I underwent angioplasty after the heart attacks. Later I fell to diabetese. Since then, I have been taking medicine for these ailments. Due to disability I spend all day with computer and internet. From magazine I reached Ubqari’s website, read few editions and listened few lectures. I felt such a pleasure that I downloaded all issues of Ubqari magazine.

I started praying two rakah nafil prayer; a spiritual practice written in the column of Hazrat Allama Lahuti Pur Israri in which a tasbeeh of Surah Ikhlas is to be recited in each rakah. And after nawafil, surah Ikhlas is to be recited for eleven times while in prostration and then for eleven times while sitting. I did this spiritual practice for one month. And in one month I found remarkable improvement in my health. I could not get up and sit without any support. But now I can easily get up and sit down without any support. I feel a vigour in my body. I have got rid of weakness. Besides I also started reciting وَلَسَوْفَ یُعْطِیْکَ رَبُّکَ فَتَرْضٰی﴿والضحیٰ۵ spiritual practice by Hazrat Allama Lahuti. My health has improved a good deal.

(Muhammad Aqib, Lahore)

First position with wazifa

Respected Hazrat Hakeem Sahib, Asalam Alaikum! May Almighty Allah bless you with His divine providence! We have been regularly reading Ubqari magazine since last three to four years. The benefits we have reaped during this period cannot be put in black and white. All of us fondly read Jinnat Ka Paidaishi Dost. As soon as the monthly issue comes home, all of us try to read this coulumn first. We countlessly pray for you and Allama Lahuti Sahib.

May Allah almighty let your blessings be upon the ummah of hazrat Mohammad ﷺ­ forever (amen). I started the wazeefa of Allama lahooti sahib (محمد رسول اللہ) which whenever started in ramazan should end at 10 lakhs. In the ramazan of 2014, I started it from the very first fast and now that when I am writing to you mashaAllah I have reached 19 lakh. Respected hakeem sahib! I stared this wazeefa for having an excellent result in M.A. when it reached 13lakh50 thousand my result was declared, I was sure that I will fail, Alhumdulillah I passed in first division. However much I thank Allah it cannot be enough. In the end, lots of prayers for you and Allama lahooti purisrari, Allah almighty has sent both of you for helping out distraught people like us. (Ammarah Khan)

I uttered (محمد رسول اللہ) and…

Most respected Huzrat Allama Lahooti pu asrari sahib assalamo alaikum! I hope that you are fine. May Allah keep us under your shadow for a long long time. I started reciting (محمد رسول اللہ) from your column to get rid of my problems and that too when a strange thing happened. One day all of a sudden I uttered  (محمد رسول اللہ), and I started reciting it with concentration and love, so much so that when I reached almost 3lakh 50thousand I felt a bit burdened on the forehead. I thought maybe I should stop reciting it but strange enough all my problems started to solve after this. Alhumdulillah, besides a government job, my brother also applied for abroad. Regarding this, an uncle of mine called from Abu Dhabi and said that he himself will try for a security visa.  The doors to a job are now opening visibly. Besides it, I observed that during this time, I prayed for two of my relatives who were trying for a foreign visa and they were stuck since years, I prayed for them and unbelievably, they both settled abroad. This definitely is because of your prayers and (محمد رسول اللہ).                ( Rizwan Ahmed Baagh, Azad Kashmir)

Skeletons ran away from our home:

Respected Hakeem sahib assalam o alaikum! I read Ubqari magazine with fervor and practice the prescriptions and wazaif mentioned in it. I also listen to the sermon on internet , Alhumdulillah I am gaining benefits. I also recite  یَاقَہَّارُ from the column of Allama lahooti pu israari sahib for domestic problems. With its blessings I saw ugly skeletons going out of my house. There is serenity in our home since those creatures left. ( Syeda Rashida)

 یَاقَہَّارُ took me out of a quagmire of sins:

Respected hakeem sahib Assalam o alaikum! My brother used to roam around with a friend of his, let me tell you that my brother is married and has 5 kids. That friend gave my brother, the phone number of a woman. My brother left his kids and wife and went to another city with that woman. I don’t know what that woman did but he would talk only to her and used to live with her without nikah. This illicit relation continued for 14 months. When someone would go to talk to him he would say my mind does not work. I practiced the act of  یَاقَہَّارُ foot in a tub in the morning and evening for him. Now Alhumdulillah he has started to think badly of that woman and talking about returning home. This wazeefa is also being practiced by his wife. Insha’Allah he will return home soon. See the special act of  یَاقَہَّارُ of putting feet in a tub in the last part. (Identity hidden)

Recited a wazeefa and found a job:

Hazrat Hakeem sahib assalam o alaikum! I read the monthly Ubqari with fervor and also tell people about the wazaif in it and I also practice them myself. My uncle was jobless since a long time. I used to recite (space for Arabic text) once daily after isha for his job then after finishing all my chores I would recite the wazifa اَسْتَغْفِرُاللہَ الْعَظِیْمtold by Allama lahooti pur israari in odd nights (space for urdu text taaq raatain) for 70 minutes with the intention of job for my uncle . I had done it for just 19 odd nights when my uncle got a good job. I listen to your durs on internet; it gives a lot of peace. (Z. R)

How homes can be saved from being ruined on the last moment:

Respected Hakeem sahib assalam o alaikum! Ay you have the entire blessings that could be, may blessings be upon you like the droplets of rain. My friend’s personal relations at her home were in a wreck so much so that she was close to being divorced, everything had been finalized. I told her about the wazeefa mentioned in Allama lahooti pur israari sahib’s column of Jinnat ka paidaishi dost  اَسْتَغْفِرُاللہَ الْعَظِیْم which was to be recited in only odd days continuously for 70 minutes. Since she was heartbroken, she recited with complete faith and concentration, she recited it only for 2 weeks and her husband who used to talk about divorce, came himself and took her home with respect. ( identity hidden)

For the best marital match for daughters:

Respected Hakeem sahib Assalam o alaikum! May Allah Almighty bestow you Huzrut Allaama Lahooti pur israari and all team of ubqari with wonderous rewards. Ameen. I was very worried for my daughter because of inability to find a good marital match for her. I acted on the wazeefa of ( space for Arabic text), bracketing it with durood e ibrahimi 11 times and reciting یَاقَہَّارُ 1100 times in the morning and evening mentioned in the Allama lahooti pur israari’s  column of “Jinnat ka pedaishi dost”. I had only recited it for one month when Allah almighty blessed with a very good marital match for her. Besides this, reciting یَاقَہَّارُ i.e. reciting call for azan 7 times and reciting surah mominoon’s last 4 ayah, 7 times and blowing on my shoulders while imagining the ears, I was blessed with excellent result of my daughters. ( umme muavia, Sargodha)

I am not affected by magic and charms:

Respected hakeem sahib assalam o alaikum! May Allah reward you righteously and make all your pious tasks easy to accomplish. Ameen. I am a reader of Ubqari since 5 years and also attend the sermon every Thursday. I am stuck in different trials since 11 years. I am on the right and the opponents are not gaining on me even by trying their best. They have been trying various types of black magic on me since few years but the wazeefa of یَاقَہَّارُ by Allama lahooti sahib has been saving me and all their efforts go waste. I get news they have asked so and so aamil who has casted a spell on you today but I recite یَاقَہَّارُat all times countless and 1100 times یَاقَہَّارُ bracketing it with durood e ibrahimi 11 times, in the morning and evening. This act saves me from their mischiefs. ( A. J)

An act for barkut and being rich

Respected Hakeem sahib Assalam o alaikum! I am a reader of your magazine and wait anxiously for it every month. Your sermons are very nice. I started the nisaab of یَاقَہَّارُ and

یَاقَہَّارُ after reading  it in Ubqari. I have completed one nisaab of 70,000 of kalima and 35000 of second nisaab and the wazeefa of یَاقَہَّارُ is also being practiced numerously. There has been progression in our business since I have started kalma and یَاقَہَّارُ there is burkut (blessing) in our home and ample means of subsistence. My husband, who used to fight and was moody at all times, talks quite nicely now. Respected Hakeem sahib! I used to feel very hot, I started thundi muraad and this medicine did wonders. My muscular pains, neuralgias because of which I used to suffer from headache and I had to take medicines quite frequently, hyperuricaemia, myalgias are now all cured. I had puffiness all over my body due to flatulence and gastric problems; abdomen had become distended, now all these are being alleviated. (A.A)

یَاقَہَّارُ made our home a place of joy and happiness:

Respected hakeem sahib assalam o alaikum! In the column “ jinnat ka paidaishi dost” of your magazine, which is written by Allama lahooti sahib,  there was mentioned  یَاقَہَّارُ . I told this to my mother and she started reciting it regularly. She used to recite it 200 times after every prayer. She also used it recite it countless before going to sleep. A big problem of ours was solved by it. There was a problem of our shop since 3 years, whenever we talked to the owner; he would increase money every time. Our family was very worried. Then Ubqari magazine came at our home, we gained a lot of blessings from it and now we have got the shop with the help of یَاقَہَّارُ Now my father is very happy masha Allah and my mother and family is also very happy. The credit goes to Ubqari andیَاقَہَّارُ has changed our life. This zikr has made our house a place of joy and happiness. We also told everyone to recite this. They recited it countless. I request the readers to recite it innumerably for the solution of their problem and pray for Ubqari.

(Mohammad Zubair Nawaz, Peshawar)

یا قادر یا نافع saved my life:

Respected Hakeem Sahib assaalam o alaikum! I conceived after 4 months of my marriage but I was careless about the routine checkup. When the fourth month started, I went to the lady doctor for checkup, she said your baby did not grow after 1 week and now you are coming after 4 months, if I don’t perform a D&C in a day or two you will bleed so much that your life will be at risk. Lady Doctor was astonished how I remained symptom free for so long. I then told her that I have been reciting Allama lahooti pur israari’s wazeefa of

یَاقَادِرُ یَانَافِعُ countless times all day long. No doubt, this wazeefa saved my life but since Allah almighty had not destined life of this child, I had to abort it but it did not harm me. I have a request to make to the readers! First child is like a melon and its fragrance spreads far, my child became a point of attention for the people because when I became pregnant, it was announced in whole of our family. I request to keep such things in the confines of your home. Otherwise it is mostly hazardous. Respected hakeem sahib! Don’t mention my name at any cost. (Identity hidden)

Blessings of kalma:

Respected Hakeem Sahib assalam o alikum! May Allah bless you with kindness, burkut, honor, make you famous. It is because of  you, sorrow people like us are benefitted. As much as we praise Ubqari, it cannot be enough, which disclosed the secrecies of the people, they opened up their hidden sorrows, which gave peace of heart and soul to the people. I am also included in the list of these people. I give salute to the soul of Ubqari, Allama lahooti sahib from the core of my heart. I am a reader of Ubqari since the last 2 years and I gain many benefits from Allama sahib’s wazaif. I saw jinns in my dreams once or twice they were fighting with me and someone said.

Do what Hakeem Sahib and Allama Lahoti said to you, recite لا الہ الا اللہ and then  amazingly I was dominant to him, when I woke up on my lips I was reciting the Kalma. Once in my dream someone told me that “ whoever recites Allama sahib’s wazaif are being called, so you should also come along, I said I do not know where he lives? He told me go to the mountainsof some city and from there he will come and take you. Hakeem Sahib, I have great respect and love for you, May Allah accept, Amee summa amen. I usually use Ubqari wazaif and tips and getting great benefits. (Hidden)

Black Magic:

Respected Hakeem Sahib, Assalamo Alikum! Me and my family read Ubqari magazine with great enthusiasm and try many things from it. Respected Hakeem Sahib, you have written to put oil in nostril and navel which is really very useful. I have started doing it and now my days and nights are very peaceful.

Respected Hakeem Sahib, me and my family were under the effect of black magic, whose little effects are still remaining. One more problem with me was that I used to get scared very easily. Often used to get up and shout at night, so, all my family members started reciting Allama Lahoti Purasrari sahib’s wazifa یَاقَہَّارُ  which was published in Ubqari magazine. We recited it 125,000 times also, apart from that me and my father and mother recited this wazifa 1100 times in the morning and evening daily, with before after 7 times Darood Shareef, this brought so much peace and serenity to my home. Now I seldom get up at night Alhamdolillah I am continuing the Wazifa, (hidden)

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