Hakim Sahb, Assalam u alikum! I am writing you a prescription, actually a drink, for to be protected from sunstroke; ھوالشافی: take raw mangoes and peel them off and put them in water and keep them on stove. After two or four boils the mangoes will be soften. Then cool those, after cooling rub them on hands and put off the claves and grind in grinder. A drink like paste will be prepared. Mix 2 kg sugar in these 1 kg mangoes and boil them so that the sugar is mixed. Cool it and pour these in bottles. While drinking mix some water in it. It protects from severe hotness and sunstroke. Nowadays it’s Ramadan, use it in Sahri and Aftari, all day you won’t feel hotness. (Mrs. Tanveer, Gojar Khan)