
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Busy ٖFather, Rebellious Children and Worried Mother

Ubqari Magazine - May 2015

In our society almost everyone is worried that children are becoming more rebellious and don’t listen to their elders. These days children show an opposite reaction to that which is said to them. As parents, we have given so much to them and have often sacrificed our own needs for theirs. But unfortunately, they are still not becoming the support that we need in our old age. The answer to this question is known to all which is that we have given our children more than what is necessary. But still the answer lies in the aspect that technology these days is updating rapidly and we as consumers are attracted to this. Things from all around the world are rapidly becoming part of our market presenting a range in all sorts of commodities. Each country wants to economically rise more than the other and every person buys his or her children with the latest gadgets or toys so that they can distract themselves with them. However people don’t wait to consider that what sort of an effect some sort of toys might have on the innocent minds of their children. Toys these days promote nudity too as well as elements of excessive violence. Toys bullets and other sharp objects can harm children which is a source of concern. Many mothers although know that toys these days promote new fashions and music and are making their children lacking in many aspects, still buy these toys for them.

Also these days’ mothers don’t bother in making their children get acquainted with Quran and sunnah and instead make them learn the names of dramas and the lyrics of various songs. Also speaking lies on the phone is altogether a norm these days. Furthermore to keep children busy they are given laptops and iphone etc. although many know that excessive use of these things lead to addiction and other harmful effects. Facilities and luxuries of such a sort that keep children distracted if are already present within the house as well as out of it, then blaming foreign agents or other sources is not reasonable enough.

Later in life when parents find out the after effects of all that their children were viewing or playing using technology, they become the innocent parties and blame others for the attitude problems of their children for example they blame people’s evil eye or even jinn for the negative behavior of their children.  If we ourselves make our children addicted to technology and lie in front of them and speak and treat our own parents rudely then it is no surprise that our own children will behave the same way with us.

There is still time that we try and make amends in this life and the hereafter. We must try and critically look over own life and our choices as well as make the relation with our parents strong so that our own offspring can learn to live while caring for others. We must do all this and more before we end up becoming a servant of our children. 

Important Rules for the Upbringing of Children:

Mothers must wake up their children when they themselves wake up for fajr prayer and those children that are eligible for praying five times a day must be helped to learn all that is required.

Mothers, after offering Salah, pray in the court of Allah for the ability to remain steadfast in their faith, follow religious teachings, gain knowledge, as well as be blessed in their rizk (sustenance) and age.

 After instructing their children to recite the kalma while standing in a line, mothers then make their children repeat the following:

1.      We will be obedient and respectful to our elders and teachers.

2.      We will be merciful and loving with our younger siblings.

3.      We will not argue with our siblings and friends.

4.      We will have a kind attitude with our relatives.

5.      We will not say anything negative or any curse words.

6.      We will treat every other Muslim as our brother.

7.      We will help the disabled ones.

8.      We will not have pride or prejudice against anyone nor will we ever hurt someone.

9.      We will not speak any lies nor will we break our promise.

10.  We will not speak anything bad about someone when he is not present.(backbiting) nor will we annoy anyone.

11.  We will not steal nor will we do any other bad thing.

12.  We will give to those in need, and help those who require it.

13.  Also we will not go near cigarette or any other drugs.

14.  We will follow the rules set down by Allah and his beloved prophet Muhammad.

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