
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Women ask

Ubqari Magazine - August 2014

This page is dedicated to the personal and domestics issues of women which they come across in their routine life. Women must write their observations and experiences. Write legibly on only one side of the page. Do write even if your thoughts are random.

Attractive figure and fair complexion

I have used medicine and bought creams guaranteeing fair complexion from beauty parlours but all in vain. I feel sorry seeing my black and clumsy hands. I have black skin and fat physique. I want to make myself attractive and fair. Suggest something please. (Saweera Buksh, Lala Musa)

Suggestion: Now what can I suggest to this girl! Having been impressed by the advertisement in newspapers, girls like this buy substandard tonics. Medicines do not cure the weak body and compressed cheeks. Same is the case with medicine claiming to impart fair complexion. Using such creams sometimes produce negative effects. For example, there appear pimples and zits on face and complexion gets darker. One must avoid such advertised creams. In fact, dark complexion is no fault. It is a superficial characteristic. It is character which must be fair not complexion. Saweera! You must consult a good dermatologist who may prescribe you proteins and include fruit, vegetable and milk in your diet. Take four table spoons of milk and add lemon juice in it. Milk would turn sour. Now apply this paste on your face, feet and hands. Wash after an hour. Apply this paste daily. Add one table spoon of honey and juice of one lemon in a glass of water and drink this daily. I hope this would make your complexion fair.

To get rid of physical weakness, eat seven almonds and half tablespoon of raisin; remained soaked for whole night in water, half an hour before taking breakfast. After eating the peeled almonds with raisin, drink water. Banana is rich in potassium. Drinking milkshake of two to three bananas is quite beneficial. Mangoes are available these days. Drink milk after eating two to three mangoes daily. Besides wash your face with gram flour (Basin) and wipe your face with cotton soaked in half cup of hot milk. Use new swab of cotton when one becomes dirty. After this wash your face with water. Skin gets cleansed with milk.

Treatment with the leaves of Sambhaloo

I am a married woman. My body is caloric due to which I am falling prey to many ailments. Please suggest me an easy remedy for this. (S, G)

Suggestion: Sambhalo is a three to four yards tall tree having leaves like that of pomegranate but having white green colour at the lower side of the leaf. It has seeds like that of black pepper. It has small pale-blue flowers which bloom in small spikes. People have been using seeds and leaves of this plant for the treatment of many diseases since ancient times. Leaves of this plant are used for the treatment of caloric body. Grind dried leaves of Sambhalo plant. Eat by adding some honey in half teaspoon of ground leaves. Avoid meat, fish and eggs. Eat coriander daily and include Tinda (Indian round gourd), turnip, gourd, saag of kulfa and yogurt in your diet. I hope your problem will be resolved.

Milk as a tonic

I and my husband work from dawn to dusk and feel much exhausted at night. My eyes have swollen and face has become wrinkled. My hair looks barren. Please suggest us some natural tonic since we don’t believe in allopathic medicine. (Aliya Muzafar, Sheikhupura)

Suggestion: If life is spent in simple way, one cannot fall victim to dangerous diseases but some common seasonal ailments. You are good that you do not take medicine. Whenever you feel exhaustion, take cup of hot milk, your fatigue will be relieved. Drinking cold milk will relieve you from swollen eyes. Place cotton swabs soaked in cold milk on your eyes for two to three minutes; repeat this for fifteen minutes. add one table spoon of starch and one table spoon of barley flour in milk. Apply this thin paste on face and neck and lie for ten minutes. Wash your face and neck with water; your face would glow. Dry pulp of almonds (badam ki khali) is commonly available. Add two to three teaspoons of dry pulp of almonds in boiling milk and apply this in hair thoroughly. Wash your hair after half an hour. Apply good quality oil on your fingers and slide your fingers through your hair. Wash your head following this method twice or thrice a week. I hope, your hair would glow up. Eat seasonal fruit and enjoy good health through natural remedies.

Hair problems

I am fourteen years old. Pimples have appeared on my face. I am fond of maintaining long hair but my scalp bears dandruff. Weather of my city is extremely cold so I wash hair occasionaly. Provide me with solution. Thank you. (Razia Shehzad, Swat)

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