
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Successful Childs’ Successful Future

Ubqari Magazine - July 2013

From the time of birth till a specific age if a child receives special guidance and attention from his/her parents, specially from the mother, his/her IQ can improve considerably. The first thing is that very important is that a habit of self reliance be inculcated in him/her.

In the context of psychology IQ is used as a measure of intelligence. Meaning that it is such a unit which is used to measure the intelligence of a person. On this scale genius is such a child whose IQ is very high. The use of IQ in psychology has made it easy to measure intelligence but people have made it as a standard of superiority too. And people started holding a belief that a child who has a higher IQ is better than all the other children in all other aspects as well. Meaning that if someone has a better IQ would definitely be better in studies and would have a bright future too. But this is not true.

The Role of Machine in the Human Life: Until the 20th century this ideology was acceptable that a child with a high IQ has the ability to lead a successful life, but in the 21st century this standard has changed. Because everything is subject to change. The role of machine in human life has increased so much that perhaps he does not have need for any human being. The speed of life has paced up. And in every profession the trend for competition has increased so much as compared to the previous century. Thus, when values will change, it means that every ideology and standard will also take a turn and that will be tantamount to change.

The Important Thing for a Successful Life: According to the western experts under such circumstances EQ would have an edge over IQ. They have explained this new term in such a way that every such child who is raised with self confidence and would have a talent for social interaction would stand a better chance for becoming a successful child. Irrespective of weather he/she has a better IQ or not, he/she should necessarily have a higher EQ. This assertion of the experts sounds true. That is so because that according to common observation an extremely intelligent child who is extra-ordinary in his/her curricular activities but does not have any social links, how can he/she be successful in practical life? Who does not not how to meet people, who does not know how to talk neither can he judge people. According to my own observation there are many such intelligent book worms, who are extremely unsuccessful from a social point of view. Because they are impractical. Experts say that as compared to a dull and boring intellectual intelligence an emotional intelligence (EQ) is much more important. EQ has precedence over IQ. Rather it is EQ that improves IQ. A practical and agile person who is always looking forward to making new connections. Who is successful in his profession. Who has a dedication to do something in life. He/she is more hopeful. Along with that if he/she has self control, how can he/she be unsuccessful? These are the traits that were present among the successful people of 20th century. And these are the qualities that are necessary for leading a successful life in the 21st century.

Encouragement of the child is Important: Now the question arises that how to raise a personality with a high EQ? Experts try to find the answer to this question too. According to them from the time of birth till a specific age if a child receives special guidance and attention from his/her parents, specially from the mother, his/her IQ can improve considerably. The first thing is that very important is that a habit of self reliance be inculcated in him/her. And he/she should be reminded frequently to think positively about him/her self. The next step should be to inculcate the child about self confidence and similarly he/she should be taught about self control and perseverance. Because the hasty, irritable and prone to anger children do not have a better EQ. Parents should also take such children with them to places where there are other children too so that the child learn to form social relations. Sports and hobbies also help in developing social relations. Other than this the child should be allowed to express him/her-self often. And he/she should be encouraged at every step. Similarly, a trend of optimism in the child is also very important. So that he/she sees things in a positive way. His/her attitude with others should also be positive. Although for a better EQ it is important to give proper training to the child which starts immediately after the birth, and every step the parents should guide him/her appropriately. At a certain age the EQ of the child would become so good that his/her bright future would be foreseeable. It would be found that along with his/her EQ, his/her IQ has also raised to a better level. And this would prove that in reality a better EQ makes a foundation for a better IQ.

First Training is Self-Reliance: Although a healthy family atmosphere and friendly relations between parents and the children play a fundamental role, but the first thing to be inculcated is self-reliance. In the West there are such many schools who focus on the EQ of the child and for this the first step is to develop self-reliance in the child.


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