
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.


Ubqari Magazine - May 2013

Autobiography of one who been in supervision of genies and spends days and night with them. On the insistence of readers these true and astounding stories which are interesting as well are being published episode wise but to understandthis lot of patience and courage is required

The genies came to say thanks:

I told them the first 3 ayahs of Surah al e Imran to be recited 319 times in start and end with 7 times droodshareef. And i told them that i will pray for you and do some procedure and your children’s match making shall be done. 2 days back that person came to me who had married a female genie and told me that since the children were genies they couldn’t be married tohumans but now three children’s marriage proposal have been finalised. He invited me to come to the marriage ceremony. But I excused them because of my busy schedule Ican’t attend many ceremonies. They found a lot of peace and relaxation. They were very happy that proposal have been finalised and they came to thank me.

Genies have a lot of fight and quarrels among them:

A thing has been seen in the world of geniesthat among them is a lot of fight, magic and quarrels. On petty issues there is so much quarrelling that human brain is surprised and some time for making peace among them a lot of years pass but peace is never achieved. However there are some saints among them who are so pious that they are even scared of word ‘fight’ and for them quarrelling is a very bad thing. And every second of their life they are seeking piety and their temperaments are also very pious. They have excellent relations with GOD and perform recitations and good deeds. I have also seen some genies who very much like the well being of creatures and they have an element of caring for others. Even though some genies don’t even consider the well being of others and are always busy in teasing and destroying other creations 

Contentedness by serving humanity:

Be it animal or human or even a genie or whatever form they may, some genies  tease them and harm them and they find it very relaxing. But I have seen some of them who have nice personalities and they find a lot of peace in piety and worshipping and by doing work for people and by helping people they get satisfied. They tell me themselves that we did such a good deed at such and such a place at such a time and they found it very relaxing and good for the mind and they find it happy to help someone.

My routine:

A few days back I was free and I had nothing to do. And I started reciting droodShareef on the beads and i enjoyed it. I did some more. While doing this, suddenly a thing came in my mind that why should not I serve a needy and poor person asI get a lot of enjoyment by helping others. So I got up and took a rickshaw and went to a distant place. I got off the rickshaw and walked to the house of poor person. Finally I knocked on the door and he asked from inside. I replied and he opened the door and he was very happy to see me and he took me inside and asked if I would like to eat anything and I just asked for aglass of plain water and he asked the reason for my coming and I said I just thought that if i would help him then I would become a source of removing your miseries

Write this word and genie will be with you:

He said if you want to help me then pleaseintroduce me to a pious genie who would help me fromtime to time and if I have any problem thenI will call him but I will take only so much advantage as much you will allow me.If you allow me a little then I will take little advantage and if you allow me more, then I will take more benefits. After listening to him since I had considered hima needyperson Ithought that his wish is true as not everyone is capable and qualified for these thing/ and for everyone this demand doesn’t lookgood. In answer to his question I replied you have to just do a thing. I took apenand told him a word that writethis on a paper and when you will do that,a genie will come and serve you. You will not see him you will just feel sensation in air. Even if you will want, he will not come in his actual figure so you will not be scared. He will just come in the shape of a cat

Experiment in my presence:

I told him the procedure and prayed for him. He was a poor person and i was feeling a lot of satisfaction by sitting there. As i sat for few time more, he asked me if it’s ok to do this procedure in front of me. Would it be ok?Irepliedthats a good idea. He wrote that word on the paper and instantly there was a sensation in the air and I told him that you shouldn’t be scared on arrival of your friend. He got relaxed and Iintroducedthem to each other. After that I sent the genie back

Observation of a friend-genie:

That poor guy kept on meeting mefrom time to time and kept on telling me the circumstances for his friend genie. Accordingto that poor guy, whenever the genie came he was always reciting the name of GOD. Whenever he comes, he talks about pious people and circumstances of saints. So sometimes even if I don’t have anything to do, I call him to listen to the talks of piouspeople. He told me that he asked the genie whether his calling him disturbed the schedule of the genie but genie replied no; you don’t disturb. Rather I feel good to come over. And the genie keeps on sitting with him and tells him stories of pious persons. That poor guy toldme that once the genie shared an incidence. He told me that I have a habit that whenever there is a funeral of a person I always say there cortege; be it human’s or genie’s.

The series of kalma became the reason of forgiveness:

Whenever I am going somewhere and I see any funeral, then it’s my utmost wish to participate. And when Ido that and become a part of the funeral of a person despite the fact if he isa human or a genie. And if I feel that this person needs help, then what I do is that I have a seriesof kalma recited and I have bundles of them. I mean sometime I recite 70, 70 thousand kalma. One set is equal to a lesson and since I age centuries-old,Ihave gathered manykalma lesson recited by me. Each one equal to 70000. And whoever I give the blessings of one lesson of these 70000 kalma then I have always seen element of spiritualrelaxation. That pious genie explained his thought. He said we used to have a teacher. Whenever his teacher used to get free from him then that teacher used to advise them that if you want to see success in your career and if you want to have happy life hereafter and if you want to be forgiven and your demand is that your problem should be solved and tensions shouldn’t be consulted on the day of judgement and your life should end on faith and you should be forgiven then keep on reciting these lessons of 70,000 kalma eachas muchas you can

Sometimes, there might be a time when a friend needs help and he has nothing then just give the blessings of that lesson of 70,000 kalma. From that day Idecided in my mind that when I see a deseasedperson who needs help,I do that for him. Once he was passing through a village where he saw a funeral where there were very few people, he thoughtthat may be its a traveller or a poor person. So, i instantly participated there. I later found out that it was a funeral of a lady whose family wastotallydestroyed in the independence of indo-Pak. While I was there,I felt that this person needed some help so gave the blessing of 70,000 kalma to her. Then I went back home

When I slept I saw a dream that was very strange dream. In it I saw that there was a beautiful lady who was giving bowls of water to people so they can quench theirthirst.I inquired someone who is that lady and he told me she is a saint and has just arrived in this hereafter from the real world and the GOD has given her the duty to give sweet water to people. I wasn’t sure if she will give me water or not but from a distance the woman called me and said please come forward. I have been waiting for you. WhateverI have, it is because of you. I was surprised as I dint know her.

The blessings of concealing others mistakes:

When I moved forward she asked me do you recognise me. I said no. She said whatever she got it was because of me. I was very surprised. She said, “I died in a very bad position and all my family members were killed in migration. I was beautiful and young and for few years I kept on moving on the right path but then I started to do mistakes and then I got used to those wrong doings till my old age. People left me because of thosemistakes and that’s why very few people came to my funeral.I experienced a lot of hardship while dying but GOD sent you fromsomewhere and I was told that Ogirl you have been responsible for many misdeeds.Do you know why did we put the concept in the heart of that genie to give you blessings of 70000 kalma? Actually you had a pious deed and that was that you concealed the misdeeds of others and used to say to yourself that I am myself a bad person so how can I tell the wrong doings of others to people. So thatwas liked by GOD and this deed became the reason for your forgiveness. Such a situation was created which became a reason for my forgiveness and I was told that whoever,whether he or she is a human or genie who hides the misdeeds of others and keeps them a secret from others. Then it is unacceptable by GOD that he should not forgive a person who has always kept a secret of others and if this person is not forgiven and he or she will be insulted in front of others on Day of Judgement and angels will drag him into hell which is not acceptable at all. . Soat the time of his death such a situation arises that he or she gets forgiven.” In the end that woman was giving bowls of water and told me that this is all because of you. Please come here so I may give me water and when she did it was so delicious and sweet which I had never drunk before. WhenI tasted it,it was like none I had taken before

Readers please note…..!!!

Readers in the publishing of March 2013 the friend of genie the name of king Akbar was written Asgharkhadim but it is Asfarkhadim. Please note

Spend Precious Time With Hazrat Hakeem Sahab

The companionof prophets and saints and other pious people used to free themselves for the blissful moth of Ramadan. And during these precious moments and blissful times they used to focus on improvingthemselves and to make their life better .So this is an excellent chance to spend the month under the spiritual guidance of Hakeem Sahib in Tasbbeehkhanafor whole month or few days or even last 10 days. People who wish to do so please contact the office of Ubqari. According to season please bring your bedding and clothing. Sehri and iftari will be provided and arrange.

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