
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.


Ubqari Magazine - May 2013

Respected Friends! I am saying this repeatedly that value your associations; this valuing shall make your world as well as akhirat. Fortunate is the man who got affiliated with belief &amaal and Allah’s chaste men.

Rid of Association: I knew one dervish. He worked somewhere and then retired. Then he came towards dervishes and showed his efforts and sacrifices to Allah. He usually said one thing: “Allah! It shall be announced on the Day of Judgment that where are the people dealing with clothes; they shall be gathered together. Ice-man, green-grocer, industrialist, landlords, traders; all shall be called. Then an announcement shall be made for Allah’s men. O Allah! Allah’s men are the Prophets, Sahabas of your Prophet PBUH, Ahle-e-Bait, awliyas, saliheen. O Allah! How could I be Allah’s man but I stay in the company of your awliyas”. Then he gave a strange example. He said, “When the Government ask the Army men to gather, then be it the General or their sweeper; all are Army servants. If all of them are asked to make a queue, then their sweeper shall also find some place towards the end of line. Will he be a part of the queue or not? Tell me Allah’s men; he shall stand there – right?

That dervish said, “I have attached myself with dervishes and am taking these association along; my turn might come after them; towards the end. Tell me; the train bogie which is vacant, unkempt and is in the end; does it reach to the destination with the train or not?  The camel which is last and is the oldest and weakest in the caravan but is tied with other camels also reached to its destination. You must have seen in real life or pictures that the rope of one camel is tied with the other; it is necessary.

Keep the association alive: Just keep in mind that your association should stay connected. Association should stay connected. If I am a stone, then should stay attached with wheat, if I am a shell then should stay attached with the sea, if I am a wave then should stay attached with the river; I have no value outside. Stay associated with Allah’s men.

Thank You Dear Allah: O Allah! We just take your and your Prophet Muhammad PBUH’s name. We incur millions of blunders, millions of mistakes and have thousands of faults. Even then Allah, you have made our association so high. Thank you dear Allah...

How valuable is an Association: There are so many books on Sufism. In his book Ghunyatal-Talibeen’, we find all the dars of Hazrat Sheikh Abdul QadirJilani RA. He used to give dars; someone noted them down; these are all his gatherings. I pondered….Sahaba-e-KaramRizwanUllahAlaihimAjmaeen gave dars. HazratAnas RA dars took place weekly. Hazrat Muhammad PBUH gave dars. Where our association got connected? Dint it meet with these noble beings? I am saying that we have millions of faults and incur millions of mistakes but our association is so precious.

Pewasta Re Shajar Se, Umeed-e-BaharRakh
Remain Attached to the Tree; Keep Spring’s Expectation

These associations should remain connected; always stay intact.

Coming of waswasay is not bad; invoking them is:Thieves come where there is wealth. A person said to me, “When I dint offer salah, I dint experience waswasay. Now I offer salat and face excessive waswasay (Satanic whispers). What is the solution? I told him that the way out to waswasay is to ignore them; do not pay attention to them. I told them and I am telling you – coming of waswasay is not bad; bringing them is. If you get waswasay then its treatment is not to pay attention to it. Thieves come wherever there is wealth. Whenever I did zikr, sat in such gatherings, took Allah’s name, spoke the words for Allah’s affection, heard them, and became God-Fearing, repent while sitting.

Affection of Allah towards the sinful:Allah’s Prophet HazratMoosaAlaihis-Salatus-Salaamis present; yet it is not raining. MoosaAlaihis-Salatus-Salaamreceived a revelation that there is a disobedient person present due to which it is not raining. HazratMoosaAlaihis-Salatus-Salaamtook his people and went to an open ground and said that there is one sinful person amongst us due to which rain has been stopped. Whoever he is should stand. The sinful person looked around and saw no one standing. He understood that it must be me. He spoke to Allah in his heart that O Allah! If I stand today amongst the crowd, I shall be disgraced.

O Allah! Forgive me!O Allah! I disobeyed you throughout life, you dint disgraced me. If I came out today, I shall be disgraced. Ok. From today onwards, I make friendship with you; I make up with you; please forgive me – I will not do it again. Such friendship was formed that it started to rain. HazratMoosaAlaihis-Salatus-Salaam said, “O Allah! You said this”. Allah said, “I sent rain due to the person due to whom I had stopped it” HazratMoosaAlaihis-Salatus-Salaam asked to see that person. Allah said, “I dint reveal him when he was disobedient. How can I reveal him now when he is a friend?” [To be continued]


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