
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.

Readers’ special and experienced posts or writings

Ubqari Magazine - April 2020

For the removal of face freckles and blemishes: By applying equal quantity of Holy Basil leaves and lemon juice, freckles, pimples and black blemishes end.

Readers’ special and experienced posts or writings:

Readers you should be generous. If you have experienced any spiritual or physical tip or prescription or you have seen or listened any wonderstruck incident then Ubqari pages are here for you, don’t take your experience useless, it can be proved a solution to other’s problem. Even if you write incoherently, write at the side of the page, we will correct it. 

Why papaya is necessary for seven to ten years child:

The enzyme papain present in the white fluid or juice of raw papaya kills the worms of stomach and intestines. The fresh papaya juice one tablespoon, honey one tablespoon and hot water three or four tablespoon, add them and it is dosage of one time for the adults. After two hours of taking this doze you should drink 250 to 375 milliliter semi hot milk and add 30 to 60 milliliter castor oil in it. If it is compulsory then repeat the process for two days and it kills the worms and excretes them out. The above prescription or tip should be given to seven to ten years old children in half quantity. And half teaspoon is enough for the children below three years. Papaya seeds are also beneficial for this purpose. Alkaloid Carpaine present in its leaves has the competence to kill the stomach worms. Leaves are eaten with honey. Due to drinking wine or malnutrition the liver shrinks. For the treatment of this disease papaya seeds are highly effective. By crushing papaya seeds a juice comes out, take one spoon of this juice, add ten drops of fresh lemon juice in it and give it to the patient once or twice a day for a month. Ripe papaya is effective treatment for spleen enlargement. Peel the papaya and cut it into small pieces and dip them in vinegar for a week. Use 20 grams of that stored fruit in afternoon and at night with the meal. 

Prosperity from good deeds and suffering from bad deeds:

Respected Hakim Sahib Assalam o Alaikum ! Ramadan is coming, I have a message for Muslims that I am forwarding to the millions of readers through Ubqari magazine. I request to the readers that always remain close to Allah Almighty, I have noticed often that the people who distance themselves from Allah face miseries and sufferings. They are entangled in miseries one after the other. They can’t find comfort instead of having wealth. Contrary to that the people who offer their prayers, try to do good deeds and refrain themselves to do bad deeds stay in Allah’s safety and help. They have comfort and peace in their lives, everyone around them including their wives and children give reverence to them. If you want to spent good life then offer five times a day and take care of humanistic rights and try to not hurt others, do not oppress and defraud others. Otherwise this world will be a hell for you. The reality is that the happiness and sorrows are the outcome of human’s deeds, if a person does good deeds the coming troubles will end, and if there are bad deeds the person will invite the troubles. Come overlook yourself before the Ramadan, do good deeds and avoid bad deeds. (Muhammad Asif, Jahanian) 

For the wound of diabetes, cancer and psoriasis:

Respected Hakim Sahib Assalam o Alaikum! I have been reading Ubqari magazine for almost four to five years. I tried countless prescriptions and tips. I also have a successful tip that I want to give to the readers. Readers must try, it is a wonderful thing, I also tried it. Allah Who Cares: Psoralea 300 grams, Carom 300 grams, Yellow Sulphur 100 gram, mercury 6 gram, Unani medicines: “Ras Kapur” 6 grams, Daar Chikna 6 grams, Hartaal Warqi 6 grams, liquid of radish 1 kg.  Recipe: make “Kajli” of Yellow Sulphur and mercury. After making it add Daar chikna, Ras Kapur and Hartaal Warqi and grind these well, then add radish liquid to it and rub it till the liquid gets dried. When it gets to powder form, add Psoralea and Carom in it. How to Use: if someone has wound on any body part then add the powder in Vaseline and apply it, and in case of itching on the body add the powder in oil and apply it. Benefit: Here in Saudi Arabia a man has wound on his head and it started to increase due to this he had to cut his hair. He put a handkerchief on his head and it was full of blood, he changed three in a day. He did many treatments but in vain and now he became disappointed. The wound was close to cancer. One day he came to me to buy something, I saw him and asked him to do the treatment and he said give it a try, I see no hope. I gave him medicine of one week and said you will get benefit if Allah wants. He came after a week and was very happy, the bleeding from his wound had stopped. Now he is perfectly fine after six months treatment. Precaution: All these medicines are poisons. An experienced man can make this medicine, make it from authentic and experienced person. (Hakim Muhammad Shafeeq, Saudia) 

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